4 proven ways to build bigger muscles March 19, 2018 Fitness, Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized You surely know the saying "less is more". Well, that's exactly what this saying goes out to fit in building muscle. Constantly deploying heavier discs and frequent training will only give you a one-way ticket ...
Prepare instead of cocoa beans March 6, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Lovers of cocoa and chocolate have the opportunity to try a much healthier alternative that is carob. This is basically the carob pods, which is commonly referred to as locust beans. The rooster is a evergreen ...
Strengthening while running March 2, 2018 Fitness, Health A-Z The jar slowly slamming on the door and with it again the opportunity to go well into nature. If you are going to throw away some of the pounds that you picked up during the winter, but at the same time you wou...
What the skin tells about our health February 19, 2018 Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized Not only for women but also men is smooth, elastic skin, without wrinkles and acne with a sign of health and youth, it is without discussion. We're getting older, and most of us do our best to get the "skin lik...
Healthy salt types February 7, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Salt smoked, Himalayan, black or bamboo ... It is not easy to make any special species. We'll get you the most out of the way ... You'll find out what kind of toy is, and which salt is actually the healthiest o...
Red wine and its influence on health February 6, 2018 Health A-Z, Uncategorized Red wine is said to be good for blood and has other positive health effects. At the same time, however, it is reminded that it contains alcohol and is, therefore, a poison. So what is the truth? (more&hell...
Learn to eat fish February 2, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Fish and seafood are among the best quality foods. Unfortunately, statistics still prove that Czechs do not like fish or sea creatures, and that's a mistake. We bring a lot of healthy substances that help our b...
With turmeric aging January 19, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Who does not want his body to work "as if he is a young person", even though years are growing. We're included with lots of information on how to maintain health, vitality, youthful looks. Various vitamin and o...
Taste Chinese dates called Jujub January 6, 2018 Food, Health A-Z For this exotic ornamental tree, the name of the cicicum was given here. Although it comes from areas between the mild and subtropical zones, it can withstand frost well below -20 ° C. China has grown it for fo...