A beauty pet is not just cosmetic products March 24, 2019 Other, Uncategorized You certainly know that beautiful skin is not just a matter of out-patient care, but also healthy eating habits. So besides the right cosmetic products, it is also important to have the right diet with good sle...
The skin is the mirror of what is happening within our body and mind February 21, 2019 Health A-Z, Uncategorized The largest organ of the human body is the skin. He is our protector from the outside world. If it receives proper care, and especially if our inner organism is in balance, as well as our souls, then with our s...
Does anxiety worry you? Try the melon July 7, 2018 Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized Medulla medica is a perennial herb coming from the Mediterranean. In our country, the Cifra variety is mainly grown in the gardens. The fact that lilies are an effective means of suppressing nervous tension and...
I swim the perfect body June 25, 2018 Fitness, Uncategorized Many people who are engaged in strengthening forget about the importance of other physical activities. Not only should we stretch the stretch and do the same, but at least once a week, we should invest our time...
Swollen eyes after the morning? Edit your lifestyle June 24, 2018 Health A-Z, Uncategorized Do you remember the night when you could sleep for at least eight o'clock, and wake up in the morning, beautifully restrained, but with dull eyes? (more…)...
How to care for your hair to grow faster May 13, 2018 Other, Uncategorized The first and most important advice to achieve faster hair growth is to maintain a varied diet with enough protein and vitamins that are the most important for hair - Vitamin B and Vitamin C. Another helper can...
Felinotherapy or how to treat cats May 7, 2018 Health A-Z, Uncategorized If you own a cat, you know the pleasant feeling when you get back from work after a hard day and your sweetheart will start to grow up. Gentle spinning, warm furry and sweet looks always cheer up after a challe...
How to change your existing lifestyle? April 19, 2018 Other, Uncategorized With the coming new year, it's time to balance and think about life and lifestyle. If you want to change your lifestyle? Do you live healthy with a lot of exercise, do more relaxation and yourself? Nothing is i...
Home muesli sticks April 2, 2018 Food, Uncategorized Muesli Stuff is a great thing to hunt hunger and supplement the necessary nutrients. But the bars sold at the store are not the right choice. You better do it yourself at home. If we go to a classic shop, mu...
4 proven ways to build bigger muscles March 19, 2018 Fitness, Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized You surely know the saying "less is more". Well, that's exactly what this saying goes out to fit in building muscle. Constantly deploying heavier discs and frequent training will only give you a one-way ticket ...