Hummus as a great source of protein! Prepare it twice differently July 19, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Have you heard of hummus already? Traditional food prepared for the Middle East? Hummus is a cold dish prepared from chick peas, olive oil, garlic, tahini paste, salt and lemon juice. It is a healthy delicacy t...
Is the ketodieta really miraculous? July 15, 2018 Food, Weight loss Diet, the issue of a large number of people who see a way to lose weight quickly and quickly without having to give energy to exercise. We do not say that some of them do not work, but they are never good for y...
What to eat before and after exercise July 8, 2018 Fitness, Food To stay fit, you need to practice regularly. Exercise helps burn fat and builds muscles. Whether you want to lose some kilos or make a character, it's important to think before and after the exercise of proper ...
Does anxiety worry you? Try the melon July 7, 2018 Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized Medulla medica is a perennial herb coming from the Mediterranean. In our country, the Cifra variety is mainly grown in the gardens. The fact that lilies are an effective means of suppressing nervous tension and...
Proteins are also in plants, do you know what? July 2, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Protein is the building block of your success for a muscular figure. Their enough amount should be accepted by everyone who is active in their lives and doing the best. Therefore, it is necessary to continuousl...
I swim the perfect body June 25, 2018 Fitness, Uncategorized Many people who are engaged in strengthening forget about the importance of other physical activities. Not only should we stretch the stretch and do the same, but at least once a week, we should invest our time...
Swollen eyes after the morning? Edit your lifestyle June 24, 2018 Health A-Z, Uncategorized Do you remember the night when you could sleep for at least eight o'clock, and wake up in the morning, beautifully restrained, but with dull eyes? (more…)...
What can vegan eating do for you? June 19, 2018 Food, Health A-Z Have you ever heard of vegan style eating? Vegans completely omit animal products, including meat, milk and dairy products, eggs and honey. This way of eating, if you properly think and plan it, can bring you m...
Swimming is a good sport for our body June 8, 2018 Fitness, Health A-Z Winter does not want summer fun, but we can still afford it. We mean swimming. And let's have it quite regularly. There are plenty of swimming pools and water parks in the Czech Republic, make use of it. So, sw...
Do not forget in your life the rules of psychohygieny May 19, 2018 Health A-Z Unfortunately, we do not see the concept of psycho-hygiene too often. These are so-called mental hygiene, doctrine or a set of rules that help us to protect and strengthen mental health. They are a way to incre...