Is the ketodieta really miraculous?

Diet, the issue of a large number of people who see a way to lose weight quickly and quickly without having to give energy to exercise. We do not say that some of them do not work, but they are never good for y...

What to eat before and after exercise

To stay fit, you need to practice regularly. Exercise helps burn fat and builds muscles. Whether you want to lose some kilos or make a character, it's important to think before and after the exercise of proper ...

I swim the perfect body

Many people who are engaged in strengthening forget about the importance of other physical activities. Not only should we stretch the stretch and do the same, but at least once a week, we should invest our time...

What can vegan eating do for you?

Have you ever heard of vegan style eating? Vegans completely omit animal products, including meat, milk and dairy products, eggs and honey. This way of eating, if you properly think and plan it, can bring you m...

Swimming is a good sport for our body

Winter does not want summer fun, but we can still afford it. We mean swimming. And let's have it quite regularly. There are plenty of swimming pools and water parks in the Czech Republic, make use of it. So, sw...