How to care for your hair to grow faster

The first and most important advice to achieve faster hair growth is to maintain a varied diet with enough protein and vitamins that are the most important for hair - Vitamin B and Vitamin C. Another helper can...

It’s not fat like fat

Breakfast is one of the most important dishes of the day and therefore we should not omit it. It is not good to eat it and we should enjoy it, for example, thanks to these recipes. (more…)...

Why taping is beneficial

Easing has become an effective method to help alleviate muscle problems, especially in top athletes. Occupying actually means sticking, choking, talking about kinesiotaping, tapping and other ways, but basicall...

Felinotherapy or how to treat cats

If you own a cat, you know the pleasant feeling when you get back from work after a hard day and your sweetheart will start to grow up. Gentle spinning, warm furry and sweet looks always cheer up after a challe...

How to change your existing lifestyle?

With the coming new year, it's time to balance and think about life and lifestyle. If you want to change your lifestyle? Do you live healthy with a lot of exercise, do more relaxation and yourself? Nothing is i...

Brain-supporting foods

Brain. The most complex organ of our body. The control center of our physical and mental being. Often, we feel tired, exhausted, and say, "He shuts off my brain," and we really do not think he's been thinking a...

Home muesli sticks

Muesli Stuff is a great thing to hunt hunger and supplement the necessary nutrients. But the bars sold at the store are not the right choice. You better do it yourself at home. If we go to a classic shop, mu...