How to remove circles under the eyes of tea bags March 7, 2018 Uncategorized Dark circles under the eyes cause sleep deprivation, hangover dehydration, poor diet, missing vitamins, various serious illnesses, but also stress and genetics. But do not despair. You can help them with someth...
Substances that make sure your skin does not age February 20, 2018 Uncategorized In terms of skin care, we often assume that the products are either extremely effective and completely unnatural, or less effective, but pleasantly delicate. But in fact there are plenty of very pure ingredient...
What the skin tells about our health February 19, 2018 Health A-Z, Other, Uncategorized Not only for women but also men is smooth, elastic skin, without wrinkles and acne with a sign of health and youth, it is without discussion. We're getting older, and most of us do our best to get the "skin lik...
Red wine and its influence on health February 6, 2018 Health A-Z, Uncategorized Red wine is said to be good for blood and has other positive health effects. At the same time, however, it is reminded that it contains alcohol and is, therefore, a poison. So what is the truth? (more&hell...
How to beautiful lashes January 20, 2018 Other, Uncategorized Beautiful, long and healthy lashes make your eyes more appealing. But not all are endowed with dense algae. To get beautiful kelp, a healthy diet is necessary, but you can also try out nutrition. Here are some ...
How to get rid of black dots by the natural way January 6, 2018 Other, Uncategorized gain. Instead of "super-surprising" chemical drugs from drugstore, which often, despite the unfriendly prices, do not properly fulfill its purpose, try to look at a much healthier and cheaper variant - natural ...